Promaps Identification Parade
Welcome to the home of the most successful video identification process in the world
In 1997 we launched the Promat video identification parade system to revolutionise the way the police service
produced traditional line-up parades. We believe this core system to be the best and most cost-effective process
in operation anywhere in the world today
The system currently produces over 40,000 identification parades per
year and what you see today is the culmination of over 25 years of feature development resulting in the latest
iteration of the product, Promaps, which has been built around our core values of integrity, security, legality, and valuing all our stakeholders
With Promaps, police forces can now offer a quick and efficient service with video identification parade
witness viewings taking place soon after an incident occurs, while the crime is still fresh in the witness's
memory, thus in most cases aiding witness memory recall
The state-of-the-art Promaps identification system is an advanced image matching system that holds an
extensive and diverse database and compares suspect descriptions (hair colour, build etc) with similar images
to produce a video identification parade in a matter of minutes
Promaps is the most cost-effective identification parade solution while also offering the broadest range
of capabilities. Promaps affords complete control to the operator enabling workloads to be prioritised and
fast-tracked as required, with no requirement for any third party involvement
As standard the system produces multiple lineup sequences for each parade. This allows witness viewing
officers to utilise the random suspect positioning feature that automatically selects which parade sequence is
shown to the witness. This protects the integrity of the witness viewing process and detracts from any unintentional
witness coercion as the operator does not know the position of the suspect until the witness viewing begins
- Specifically designed for police investigations
- Low installation costs
- Low operating costs
- ID parades can be compiled from custody images
- Covert ID parades can be compiled from any media source
- Parades take place when and where you want with no need for prisoner or witness transport
- Very fast turnaround (typically 15 minutes to conduct an identification parade)
- Complete integrity throughout the system, meaning less evidential challenge
- Enhanced officer and victim satisfaction
- Extreme cost efficiency
- Professional customer service alongside our expert technical support team
- Image captures, parade compilations, and witness veiwings can take place independently at any fixed or mobile location
- Automatic database cleansing and updates
- Data encryption used for any external data transfer (FIPS Approved Algorithms)
- Video and interactive parades can be converted to black and white and/or a still image procedure
- Video, interactive, and still image procedures can have unique facial features masked or pixelated
- Witness viewings are recorded using our bespoke quad display system
- The system ensures professional witnesses cannot see the same distracters multiple times
- Parade sequencing ensures that the suspect position is never duplicated across multiple lineups
- Multiple parades can be built for the same incident while ensuring no distracters are used twice across the set of parades
- Parades can be built that exclude suspects and distracters from specific force areas
- Multiple suspects can be included into a single parade
- A comprehensive audit trail ensures that all operator activity in the system is recorded at every stage
- The witness viewing process allows a witness to a view a parade in full and then replay individual images on request
- After a witness views an edited parade they can select a single image and if requested view the un-edited version of the selected image
Video Identification Parades
Using video clips is now the de facto standard in the UK for identification parades,
replacing the traditional physical lineups and still photo formats such as six packs
The individual 15 second videos of the suspect and distracters shows each person turning
their heads from left to right. The Promaps capture process ensures that the timing of the
head turning is consistent across all video clips
Promaps users have access to a 60,000 strong video database of distracters enabling a parade
to be compiled regardless of the suspects appearance. The database is managed and maintained to
ensure that it remains up to date and relevant for today’s fashions
Interactive Identification Parades
Working alongside the University of Birmingham we have jointly developed an interactive
lineup procedure that enables the witness to interact with the images on screen and rotate
the face left or right giving control of the viewing process to the witness. Witnesses have
more control and can actively explore faces from different angles, matching how they saw the perpetrator
Initial academic research suggests that interactive parades may outperform traditional
photo or video methods regardless of the perpetrators original encoding viewpoint (front or profile).
Witnesses can adjust views to match their memory, aiding retrieval. Real world witnesses often see
perpetrators from multiple angles
Left click using your mouse or touch the two navigation buttons below the image to interact with the image
TIP: Keep your mouse button down or finger lightly pressed to automatically interact with the image
Still Image Identification Parades
Still image parades continue to be utilised today but primarily only when a video or interactive parade is not appropriate
If a Promaps video capture is not available then a still parade is preferrable, and each chosen distracter video can quickly be converted to a still image. If replication of facial features or facial accessories is required then a still image parade would be the preferred option
Historical parades are also built using this approach with distracter images being degraded to match the quality of the source suspect image
Witness Recording
Our bespoke witness viewing recording kit integrates directly with Promaps, allowing all of the
witness viewings that are completed within your designated viewing rooms to be uploaded to Promaps
and attached directly to each parade
The equipment provides a quad split screen output consisting
of up to 3 room view cameras plus a dedicated quadrant of the split screen output showing the
identification parade itself. The audio from the viewing room is also recorded. The quad screen
output is captured in real time as the viewing takes place and once the viewing is completed Promaps
immediately compresses the video to ensure that storage requirements are kept to a minimum
These recordings are stored alongside the identification parade in Promaps and can be
retrieved if required for playback in court. This negates the need for hard storage of witness viewing recordings
If you would like to arrange a demonstration of our range of products or have any questions at all, then please click the contact us button below and a member of our team will get back to you shortly